Lustrum Cake Lunch

Lovely AquaCuties,

On the 12th of March we, The Ladies of Rumoribus, organize a cake lunch for all of you to celebrate the 1st Lustrum of our beautiful society with you! "Love goes through the stomach" we say in Dutch. So come fill your bellies with delicious cakes and lets have a gezellige lunchbreak!
Location: Forum, B0430
Time: walk-in 12:00-14:00

Lots of love,
The Ladiessss <3


Event Properties

Event Date 12-03-2024 12:00
Event End Date 12-03-2024 14:00
Registration Start Date 01-03-2024 00:00
Capacity Unlimited
Registered 20
Individual Price Free
Droevendaalsesteeg 2
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