<header>Aqua's most active committee</header>


<p>The Webcie is by far the most active committee of our association. 24 hours a day (+1 second in case there is a leap second), 7 days a week are we ready. And not with empty hands, but with this fantastically beautiful website.</p>

<p>Here you can find an overview of all the other Aqua members, order the authentic Aqua merchandise in the Webshop, read the latest news about Aqua, subscribe for activities and ofcourse see what the weather is going to be like tomorrow.</p>

<p>All of this would quickly fall into decay without the expertise and insight of our Webcie-members. They meet regularly about the current state of affairs and the newest developments in the field of website management, because as you know, more is always better. So if you have a good idea feel free to send an email to 
<a href='This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.'>This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.</a>, or scream, yell or tackle (not too hard) a webcie-member if you encounter one in the wild.</p>

<p>Furthermore, the Webcie is always looking for enthousiastic <i>extensions</i> for the committee, that way the committee stays up-to-date. So if you know that you can find the Aqua website at wszvaqua.nl and that you can't fix a crashed computer by turning the screen off and on again, then we are looking for <b><u>YOU!</u></b>. (<i>Experience with Joomla, HTML or PHP is fantastic, however, if you've never heard of any of those it's not a problem!</i>)</p>

<p>Hopefully we will see you soon!</p>


<p><b>The WebCie</b></p>


We are awesome.<br />
The website is awesome.<br />
Do you have an idea? Mail us.<br />
Become a member!