Open commocie meeting!

On the 7th, the CommoCie/IntroducCie will be discussing the Spring intro!

Would you like to join this meeting? Do you want to have a nice evening with a lovely dinner? Do you want to be more active at Aqua? Come join!We're going to have a great time and everyones help is welcome!

You don't need to become a commocie member to join this meeting! Just come by if you are interested in organising the intro :)

The meeting will take place at Jelles house. You will get the adress once you sign up.

See you there!

Event Properties

Event Date 07-03-2024 18:00
Event End Date 07-03-2024 22:00
Registration Start Date 06-02-2024 00:00
Capacity Unlimited
Registered 5
Individual Price €3,00
Please login to register for this event